Eu ma dau mereu cu Spray Hous Hous Rupereeee \:D/

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O treaba

05:42 Edit This 2 Comments »
1. Pune playerul pe shuffle.
2. Apasă "înainte" pentru fiecare întrebare.
3. Foloseşte titlul melodiei ca răspuns pentru fiecare întrebare.

1. How are you feeling today?
Greenday The saints are coming

2.Will you get far in life?
Jesus of suburbia

3.How do you friends see you?
Emil lasaria Balada

4. Will you get married?
Joe Cocker You can leave your hat On :))

5. What's your best friend's theme?
Mariah Carey Touch my body :(

6. What is the story of your life?
Drowing Poll Let the bodies hit the floor

7. What was the high school like?
Greenday Welcome to Paradise

8. How can you get ahead in life?
Sisu si puya atmosfera de scandal :))

9. What is the best thing about your friends?

10. What is in the store of this weekend?
Vama Veche Ana

11. What song describes you?
Social Distorion Pleasure Sekeer

12. What song would describe your grandparents?
Adrian Eftimie Three World

13. How is you life going?
Mika-My Interpretation

14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Anda Adam Move your punani :\ omg

15. What does the world see you?
Atb Justify

16. Will you have a happy life?
Florin Salam feat Susanu - Misca-te asa :))))))))))

17. How can i make myself happy?
kat deluna Run the show

18. What should you do with your life?
Metallica Fuck it

"Nimeni nu-mi sta in drum..
Am soseaua un singur sens..
Ma va duce undevaaaaaa." carciuma :X